
" Sanghyang Mentjongol", I Njoman Tjokot, 1965

Comments, Catalogue, Articles, Sources:

" … Njoman Tjokot gained a reputation for exploiting the expressive quality inherent in the wood. He would go into the forest to look for strangely shaped trunks and branches and, changing them as little as possible, transform them into gnarled spooks and demonic figures. Tjokot, lived in the off-track village of Djati that you can get only part-way to by car from Ubud . Tjokot was reputedly aged ninety and losing his sight. He took tree-trunks--or a whole section of a tree with a limb or two attached to the trunk- and carved them into spirit figures the animistic forms of supernatural potencies the Balinese believed in before they got the Hindu gods from India. [ adapted from the opening remarks by Dr. Jean Couteau]

Njoman Tjokot ganó una reputación para explotar la calidad expresiva inherente en la madera . Él entraría el bosque buscar troncos y ramas y, cambiándolos lo menos posible, transformarlos extraño formados en espectros gnarled y figuras demonic.